Belarus is a hospitable country. If you are here – you’ll save a warm welcome in your heart. Photographs are the best memory from the travelling, but your relatives and friends will be also glad to receive a sweet present. By the way, souvenirs from Belarus will remind you of pleasant moments spent in our country. So, what can you buy here to make your dearest people happy? offers a selection of gifts and souvenirs.
Bison is the symbol of the country
Therefore, each tourist can find the figure of the animal in all the gift shops of the country. Most of them are concentrated in Bialowiezha Forest. By the way, you can see this animal in your own eyes.
Flax linen
Flax was grown in our country for centuries. Scientists think, that flax fabric is the most ancient in the world. Belarusian craftsmen are still making wonderful things using flax. And that’s not accidental: flax has many interesting features, fabric can be airy and light or dense and rough. Large selection of towels, handkerchiefs, interesting things with unique design can be found in shopping centers, for example in “Na Nemige” or “Stolitsa”.
A famous lingerie brand can be easily found in special departments of Minsk shopping centers.
Straw souvenirs
Straw is used to make hats, toys and souvenirs. You can choose a Belarusian hat, called “salamiany kapialiush” or simply a straw hat. Wicker caskets, chests, boxes, straw dolls and amulets can become an excellent souvenirs for women or collectors. You can find different gifts and straw souvenirs in shopping centers in our country.
Ceramic products
Ceramic is another one ancient and popular material in our country. Our craftsmen from generation to generation keep the secrets of clay. Ceramic products are really fascinating: national dishes are baked in them, milk doesn’t get spoiled, toys can calm down children and musical instruments emit a particularly melodious sound. There are also some simple ceramic things: magnets and candlesticks.
Wooden souvenirs
It’s a sin to come back from the country of forests without a wooden souvenir. You can find plenty of gorgeous wooden furniture, but it would be hard to transport it. So, you can buy dishes, boxes, small chests and dolls that would be easy to carry in a tourist bag.
Felt boots and hats.
It’s not a secret that felt boots (valenki) is a Russian invention. But Belarusian craftsmen make perfect felt boots and hats, because winters here are severe enough. Belarusian center of hat-making Dribin is planned to be included to the list of UNESCO cultural heritage. “Valenki” and hats are unusual gifts from Belarus.
Products from a rod
The material itself is something like straw. Wicker furniture, breadboxes, cornices and sandals are made from rod. A thing made of rod is absolutely nature friendly and brings a national character into your house.
You can find tasty souvenirs in Belarus. First of all you should buy “Spartak” and “Kommunarka” sweets. You can find sets of the sweets in packs of 140 to 750 grams. Sweets actually have different fillings that can satisfy everyone.
Belarusian dairy products are also extremely popular. Cheese and curds is cheap and has a natural flavor. For example, “Berest’je” cheese, a product of Beryoza cheese factory, can be found in all supermarkets and grocery stores of the country.
«What about alcohol?»
Balsams are popular among tourists – “Minski kryshtal’ lux”, “Charodej”, “Chernyj rytsar’”, “Krichevsky”, “Staroslavjanskij”. You can find these balsams in liquor stores and supermarkets. But retail stores of “Kryshtal’” offer a special selection.
Belarusian glass
Beryoza Glassworks “Neman” and Borisov Crystal factory make glass products that are well-known. The variety is great: large glasses, wine glasses, stained glass and original souvenirs in the shape of animals and birds. The quality is professional. Our glassmakers have artistic taste.
By the way, if you want to kill two birds with one stone - to buy Belarusian goods with the World Championship symbols – you probably won’t be able to do that. Such products are withdrawn from sale, because all rights belong to the Swedish company. This company will fill the showcases with products with symbols by its own.
We recommend you to visit an underground shopping center “Stolitsa” (subway station “Ploshcha Lenina”). You can visit “GUM”, “TSUM”(subway station “Ploshcha Yakuba Kolala”),”Belarus” (subway station “Partisanskaja”) and a shopping center “Na Nemige” (subway station “Nemiga”).
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