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Theatres and Museums

11 марта 2014


National Academic Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theatre 
Address: 220029, Minsk, Parizhskaya Kommuna Sq, 1.
Buses - № 24, 38, 57, 91 till the bus stop "Opera theatre".
Trolley-buses - № 12, 29, 37, 40, 46, 53 till the bus stop "Operatheatre".
Underground - station “Nemiga”.  

The National Academic Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theatre of the Republic of Belarus was founded in 1933 and reconstructed in 2009. In recent years artists of the theatre have toured over 30 countries. Probably, soon one will hardly find a country on a map not marked with a performance of the Opera and Ballet Theatre of Belarus: from Portugal and Spain to Japan and China, from Norway and Great Britain to Turkey, Thailand – the theatre has found its devoted admirers all over the world. Opera “Nabucco” by J. Verdi, “Tosca” by G. Puccini, “Snow Maiden” of Rimsky-Korsakov, “Chopiniana” to music by F. Chopin, “Tristan and Isolde” to music of Wagner, "Sylphide" by Levenshold became notable theatre first nights.

Belarusian State Circus 
Address: 220030, Minsk, Nezavisimosti Ave., 32,
+375 (17) 327-78-42.
Buses: № 100 
Underground: station “Kupalovskaja”, station “Ploshcha Peramogi”.  

Famous Belarusian State Circus is extremely popular among tourists. It’s the only circus in the world situated in the centre of the capital of the state in the main street and the only circus in the world adapted for all circus-genre performances and keeping all types of animals including sea animals.


National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus 

Address: Lenina str., 20. +375 17 227-71-63.  

Permanent exhibition: the Ancient Belarusian art, including icons, wooden sculpture, works of applied art; the Belarusian art of the 16th to 20th centuries; Russian painting of the 18th - 20th centuries.

Thematic exhibitions and chamber music concerts are held (2 times a month). Open: from 11.00 till 18.00. Closed on Tuesday.

Belarusian State Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War 

Address: Nezavisimosti ave., 25а  

This museum is devoted to the history of the World War II. It was opened on 7 November 1944, when there still were battles.

The exposition of the Museum is located in 30 rooms and represented by 80,000 unique exhibits: an extensive collection of documents and photographs, weapons, used by armed forces of the regular army and partisan units, including home-made guns, etc.

The diorama of a concentration camp Maly Trostenets, the third largest in Europe, is presented there.

Belarusian National History and Culture Museum 

Address: Minsk, Karl Marx Str., 12, tel. 227-43-22.  

The Museum presents archeological, ethnographic, numismatic, military-historical collections, as well as collections of ancient books and manuscripts, icons, religious clothes, works of folk art. You will see the objects of primitive art and works of high art of medieval culture – the world-famous Slutsk belts, altar gate, items made of porcelain.

Estate museum Dudutki   

The only museum of material culture in Belarus. It is located in 40 km from Minsk, on the picturesque bank of the river Ptich.

Here you can spend time in a new and exciting way, experience the atmosphere of the Belarusian province of the 19th century, get acquainted with a way of rural life, grasp the meaning of folk customs and the secrets of ancient crafts.

Here is the list of other museums you can visit.  

Botanical Garden of the Academy of Sciences 
Address: Minsk, Surganova str., 2b 

Museum of Ethnography and Folklore of the Academy of Sciences 
Address: Minsk, Surganova str., 1/2 

Belarusian National History and Culture Museum 
Address: Minsk, Karl Marx str., 12

Museum Of Modern Fine Art 
Address: Minsk, Nezavisimosti ave., 47

State Museum of History of Music and Theatre of Belarus 
Address: Minsk, Starovilenskaya Str.

A. Bembel Museum of Contemporary Sculptures
Address: Minsk, Yakuba Kolasa str., 29a. 

Museum of Nature and Ecology of Belarus 
Address: Minsk, Karl Marx str., 12

State Museum of History of the Belarusian Literature 
Address: Minsk, M.Bogdanovich Str., 15.

Museum of Physical Culture and Sport 
Address: Minsk, Nezavisimosti ave., 49 

Museum of History of Belarusian cinematography 
Address: Minsk, Sverdlova str., 4

Museum of History of Minsk 
Address: Minsk, Revolutsionnaja str., 10 

Museum of aviation engineering 
Address: Minsk district, Borovaja 

From Belarus with love Must visit: Alivaria museum
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