«Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy». Ben Franklin is right again. With a firm belief in the wisdom of enlightened American and with a good lens RELAX.BY visited an excursion in the corporate museum of beer "Alivaria." Showroom is the first place you see. It looks modern and almost nothing reminds, that it was built in the 19th century.
— 2014 is an anniversary year for us. We are 150! — tells us Olga, a tour guide. — When a wooden brewery was built here, each Belarus region has its own. But almost all of them don’t work now.
You examine showroom the way you like, there’s no strict order. You’ll see a mini replica of the first plant and, for comparison, a modern one.
There are documents, samples of labels, corks, vintage bottles everywhere.
Funny vintage posters (Carlsberg archive copies) and quotes about beer are hung on the walls.
A photo of the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin with a glass of beer is a kind of a pleasant surprise.
—Copies that you see on the walls are placed here because in 2011 Carlsberg became an investor of “Pivzavod Alivaria”. Our customers were afraid of foreign beer expansion, but we still produce Belarusian classic beer. Moreover, now we have even more kinds of beer!
Banana beer and roasted malts
The unique wheel of beer aromas is situated in the corner of the room.
— Beer sommeliers recorded more than 100 flavors, which can occur in beer. 80 of them are unwanted: cat flavor, plastic, etc. There are 14 out of 20 noble flavors in Alivaria beer – they are shown at the wheel. Did you ever notice the fact, that almost all Alivaria beer has a red apple aroma?
Olga showed us three samples and of malt and one sample of hops from which 18 varieties of beer are brewed. You can try raw and compare the taste.
— We import hops and several species of malt, but light malt and water are belarusian. Due to them beer has a specific national flavor. So, let’s visit a factory itself!
Rokhlia, Paula and earl
There is a remarkable fact: the factory was run by women almost all the time. The whole history of Alivaria grew up from the wooden brewery of Rokhlia Frumkinova. In 1893 the brewery was bought by earl Karl Chapsky, who made a new building and called his production “Bohemia”.
Later, factory was sold again and a progressive lady Paula Lekert became a head of the production. She modified the production and introduced the working schedule, in which each worker was granted a bonus: a mandatory hour for a nap.
The factory was working even during the Great patriotic war: German army brewed beer there.
In the 90s the factory got its modern name – Alivaria.
HandMade beer
— We have 2 kinds of excursions: a historical one and a “Beer academy”. “Beer academy” is available only on weekend. Visitors brew beer in the exhibition hall: thy mix ingredients and get one of 18 kinds of beer fully hand made. The product differs from the original, but is close to the 19th century beer!
The excursion lasts 2 hours, each participant gets a certificate, signed by chief brewer.
How to get to excursion
You can sign up for an excursion by sending an application at museum@alivaria.by.
Excursions start at 14:00 and 18:00 from wednesday till Sunday.
By the way, you can buy a gift card for 2 or 5 persons. The cost of the excursion is 100 000 BYR. You can use cash only.
The main rule is that you should be at least 18 to visit the museum.
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